The T6SS is on the cover of the November issue of Journal of Molecular Biology !
The T6SS is on the cover of the November issue of Journal of Molecular Biology !
Santin Y.G. & Cascales E. 2017. Domestication of a housekeeping transglycosylase for assembly of a Type VI secretion system. EMBO Rep. 18, 138-149.
Douzi B., Brunet Y.R., Spinelli S., Lensi V., Legrand P., Blangy S., Kumar A., Journet L., Cascales E. & Cambillau C. 2016. Structure and specificity of the Type VI secretion system ClpV-TssC interaction in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Sci Rep. 6, 34405.
Zoued A., Cassaro C.J., Durand E., Douzi B., Espana A.P., Cambillau C., Journet L. & Cascales E. 2016. Structure-function analysis of the TssL cytoplasmic domain reveals a new interaction beween the Type VI secretion baseplate and membrane complexes. J Mol Biol. 428, 4413-4423.
Logger L., Aschtgen M.S., Guérin M., Cascales E. & Durand E. 2016. Molecular dissection of the interface between the Type VI secretion TssM cytoplasmic domain and the TssG baseplate component. J Mol Biol. 428, 4424-4437.
Vincent M.S., Durand E. & Cascales E. 2016. The PorX response regulator of the Porphyromonas gingivalis PorXY two-component system does not directly regulate the Type IX secretion genes but binds the PorL subunit. Front Cell Infect Microbiol. 6, 96.
Sana T., Flaugnatti N., Lugo K.A., Lam L.L., Jacobson A., Baylot V., Durand E., Journet L., Cascales E. & Monack D.M. 2016. S. Typhimurium utilizes a T6SS-mediated antibacterial weapon to establish in the host gut. Proc Natl Acad Sc. USA. 113, 5044-5051.
see the CNRS press release here
This article has been recommended by Eugene Nester on F1000
Zoued A., Durand E., Brunet Y.R., Spinelli S., Douzi B., Guzzo M., Flaugnatti N., Legrand P., Journet L., Fronzes R., Mignot T., Cambillau C. & Cascales E. 2016. Priming and polymerization of a bacterial contractile tail. Nature. 531, 59-63.
PMID: 26909579
see the CNRS press release here
This article has been recommended by Chris Whitfield on F1000
Aussel L., Beuzón C.R., & Cascales E. 2016. Meeting report: adaptation and communication of bacterial pathogens. Virulence. 7, 481-490.
PMID: 26890494
Flaugnatti N., Le TT., Canaan S., Aschtgen MS., Nguyen VS., Blangy S., Kellenberger C., Roussel A., Cambillau C., Cascales E. & Journet L. 2016. A phospholipase A1 antibacterial type VI secretion effector interacts directly with the C-terminal domain of the VgrG spike protein for delivery. Mol Microbiol. 99, 1099-1118.
PMID: 26714038