
We have currently strong collaborations with Laurent Terradot at the IBCP Lyon and  Alain Roussel at the LISM for structural and biophysical studies, Remi Fronzes at the IECB Bordeaux for (cryo)-electron microscopy, and Bo Hu at the University of Texas-Houston for cryo-tomography.

We develop NMR and solid NMR studies with Françoise Guerlesquin (LISM), native and cross-link mass spectrometry with Julia Chamot-Rooke at the Paris Pasteur Institute,  Integrative Structural Biology with Riccardo Pellarin at the Paris Pasteur Institute, and Bioinformatics with Sophie Abby at the Grenoble-Alpes Université.

We have also strong connections with Nicolas Barnich (Université d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand) for cellular microbiology of pathogenic E. coli, Eric Reynolds (University of Melbourne, Australia), Mark McBride (University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, USA) and Carlos J Blondel (Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile) for Porphyromonas gingivalis, Flavobacterium johnsioniae and Campylobacter jejuni.

We work with a lot of colleagues worldwide regarding specific technical aspects, or specific bacterial species: Alain Givaudan and Julien Brillard (DGIMI, INRAE, Université de Montpellier), Annabelle Merieau, Xavier Latour and Corinne Barbey at the LMSM (Université de Normandie, Evreux), Olivier Namy (I2BC, Paris), Susann Müller (Helmholtz center for Environmental Research, Leipzig, Germany), Gaël Panis and Patrick Viollier (Université de Genève, Switzerland) and Maëlle Molmeret (MAPIEM, Université de Toulon).

We also benefit from the expertise of wonderful colleagues: Jean-Pierre Duneau (LISM) for the study on trans-membrane segments, Tâm Mignot at the LCB in Marseille for fluorescence microscopy.