Entries by Eric

26-28 October 2015

Nicolas and Eric C. were at the ‘Adaptation and Communication of Bacterial Pathogens’                   workshop (Universidad International de Andalucia, Baeza, Spain). Nicolas presented a poster (here with David Low, UCSB).      

T6SS baseplate identification

Brunet Y.R., Zoued A., Boyer F., Douzi B. & Cascales E. 2015. The Type VI secretion TssEFGK-VgrG phage-like baseplate is recruited to the TssJLM membrane complex via multiple contacts and serves as assembly platform for tail tube/sheath polymerization. PLOS Genetics. 11, e1005545. PMID: 26460929 see more >

12 October 2015

Rahim talks about his thesis, at the Huffington Post: ma thèse en deux minutes !

18 september 2015

Laure presented a poster on a EAEC T6SS effector at the 4th Molecular Microbiology meeting in Vienna.

21 August 2015

Our work on the TssJLM membrane complex is featured on the CNRS website.

15 August 2015

Our work on the TssJLM membrane complex is featured in Nature Reviews in Microbiology.

04-08 August 2015

Laureen Logger presents a short talk at the ‘Bacteria and Phage Meeting’ (Madison, USA)

22 July 2015

Our paper on the assembly and structure of the T6SS membrane complex is now online on the Nature website !