Entries by Eric

30 January 2016

Maxence left for a 5-week stay in Margaret Duncan’s laboratory (Forsyth Institute, Boston, USA).

07-09 November 2016

Eric C. gave plenary lectures at the 3rd French-Brazilian Symposium on Biosciences “br.BIO.fr” (November 07th) and V Latin American Protein Society meeting (November 08-09). Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).

Baeza meeting report

Aussel L., Beuzón C.R., & Cascales E. 2016. Meeting report: adaptation and communication of bacterial pathogens. Virulence. 7, 481-490. PMID: 26890494 see more >

28-29 January 2016

Laure, Laureen and Maxence were at the Royal Society ‘New bacteriology‘ meeting. London, UK.


Journet L., & Cascales E. 2016. The Type VI secretion system in Escherichia coli and related species. EcoSalPlus. 7, 1-20. PMID: 27223818 see more >

01 December 2015

Congratulations to Rahim for the SFBBM (French Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) award of the best article of the month (for the TssJLM membrane complex Nature paper) !

29 July 2015

Eric D. and Rahim celebrate their article in Nature !